An Online Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implant Forum
Everyone's an expert on sex, right? After all, it's all around: on the television, in the movies, on the internet. Well, not really, not according to one man who discovered that none of these media addressed his need for authentic information.
Meet Paul Nelson, President of the not-for-profit Erectile Dysfunction Foundation. When Paul developed erectile dysfunction after his prostatectomy for prostate cancer, he was disappointed. The material he found principally online was, as he describes it in the interview posted below, commercially biased.
Supported by his wife, Paul took it upon himself to develop an online portal called Frank Talk, a site for men that talks about erectile dysfunction and related issues. In the video below, Paul describes an initially reflexive but finally systematic and strategic progression that has led to a unique resource for men that is growing in strength and addressing pressing issues ranging from the general quest for hope to research relating to treatments for erectile dysfunction when first line choices, such as Viagra, no longer work. He cites penile implant surgery as the most commonly searched topic.
Surgeo applauds patient missionaries who work so diligently to help others. We encourage you to listen to Paul talk by clicking the video below. We encourage you to visit and support Frank Talk.